In this class, I hope to learn how to more efficiently integrate the use of technology into my academic life. Obviously I know the basics of Word and Powerpoint, but of course any useful tips and tricks would be welcome. Additionally, Political Science is very heavy in statistical analysis, especially using computing soft wares like "R". The more I can learn about technology in general, the more I can excel in my field of study. But let's be honest, I would rather be napping than trying to figure out some crazy project on the computer. Nobody has time for that nonsense or stress. So, if this class teaches me how to mitigate the time that I need to spend on research or creating presentations, I'm all about it. Tech on.
Honestly, I'm not surprised at all by the results that the quiz showed me. I know that I'm a fairly balanced learner. I know that I prefer lists and seeing things done in an organized and sequential pattern. I also know that I learn best when auditory, visual, and sensory methods are utilized simultaneously. So this quiz pretty much confirmed that about my optimal learning style. Hopefully knowing this in better detail will be able to help my initial learning and study habits in the future.
I'm with you. Efficiency rules! However, I find that I don't necessarily save time, I simply make my work more effective with better design and features. But I'm still more efficient, the same old jazz takes less time than previously.